Thursday, 16 April 2020

Online Trademark Registration in India

how to do online trademark registration ?

Online Trademark can be applied at the government website at the following link 


1. The First step in TRADEMARK REGISTRATION is choosing the class among 45 classes of Trademark.

In this we have to first select the class under which our product or service comes.

For Example If our Product is Footwear then the Class applicable will be Class 25 because in 45 classes, class number 25 is applicable on Footwear, Clothing.

Thus if a person wants to trademark his Footwear Brand then first class 25 will be applicable on his product.

2. Search in class whether proposed Brand Name is available or Not

The next step is to search whether the proposed Brand Name is available or not. It means If the proposed Brand name for example is KIO, then at IPR website first we need to check that KIO is registered in class 25 already or not?

If KIO is not applied or registered, then we can proceed for TRADEMARK REGISTRATION in class 25.

This step is also very important because if we apply without first conducting search at IPR website, then al lot of possibility is there that a person can apply a similar brand already on record. And later the application might come under objection by the Registrar of Trademark.

3. Application of TRADEMARK REGISTRATION at IPR website

TRADEMARK REGISTRATION Complete Process Next step is to make an application at IPR website of proposed Trademark or Logo Registration

For making an application first we need DSC i.e. Digital Signatures of Applicant.

For applying DSC of Applicant we need

  1. Pan Card of applicant
  2. Aadhar Card of applicant
  3. Photo of applicant

Once DSC generated, an application of TRADEMARK REGISTRATION can be proceeded.

Log in at IPR website, then Register DSC of Applicant and then apply Trademark of Brand Name proposed by the Applicant.

4. TRADEMARK REGISTRATION application Accepted or Objected

TRADEMARK REGISTRATION Complete Process also includes this step. Once an application of TRADEMARK REGISTRATION is done, in 15-20 days it will be clear by tracking the status of Application at IPR website, whether the application is accepted or objected by the Registrar of Trademark.

If it is accepted then it will be proceeded for Publishing in Trademark Journal.

If it is objected by the Registrar of Trademark, then reply have to be given on the objection raised by the Registrar of Trademark.

Objection can be on the basis of Section 9 or Section 11 of Trade Mark Act, 1999 and Trade Mark Rules, 2002

Section 9 objection can be if the mark is a common surname/personal name/geographical name/ornamental or a non-distinctive geometrical figure and as such it is not capable of distinguishing the goods or services of one person from those of others.

Section 11 objection can be if the mark is identical with or similar to earlier marks in respect of identical or similar description of goods and because of such identity or similarity there exists a likelihood of confusion on the part of the public.

If an objection is raised under section 9 or section 11 or both of Trade Mark Act, 1999 then Accordingly, applicant is requested to submit his response/submissions, if any, along-with supporting documents, with in One Month from the date of receipt of this Examination Report or he may apply for a hearing.

Thus a written reply needs to be submitted at the Office of Registrar of Trademark and also in reply applicant can also request for hearing in order to give his submission verbally.

The Complete process of Trademark Registration took 5-6 months including 4 months of publishing of application in Trademark Journal.

This time enhances if any objection is raised by the Registrar of Trademark in the Proposed application.

Once an application got registered, it is valid for 10 Years subject to renewal before expiry of ten years and subject to payment of renewal Fees.

TRADEMARK REGISTRATION Complete Process is elaborately explained in this post trying to make the applicant clear about the documents required, time involved in making TRADEMARK REGISTRATION application.

In case of Individual/Small Enterprise the Govt Fees payable is 4,500/-

In case of Big entities i.e. LLP, Private Limited Companies the Govt Fees payable is 9,000/-

trademark registration online

For making an application of  trademark symbol online, one needs to be ready with his 

1. logo
2. wordmark
3. digital signatures (DSC), 
4.details of applicant i.e Individual or  Firm
5. In case of applicant being Individual his pan card and aadhar card
6. In case of proprietorship firm, GST or any other registration of firm

then at the following link, one can apply for trademark registration online 

for any queries call 7060840732


Tuesday, 14 April 2020

Import Export Code Number


How to apply iec code Import Export Code in India

Every Importer And Exporter Requires Import Export Code Also Known As IEC Code

Now A Days Pan Number Is Import Export Code (IEC) Given By DGFT Department

Documents Required For Obtaining Import Export Code Are


    Pan Card Of Proprietor
    Aadhar Card Of Proprietor
    Photo Of Proprietor
    Cancel Cheque Of Proprietorship Firm
    Electricity Bill Where Firm Is Located


    Pan Card Of All The Partners
    Aadhar Card Of All The Partners
    Photo Of All The Partners
    Cancel Cheque Of Partnership Firm
    Electricity Bill Where Firm Is Located


    Pan Card Of All The Directors
    Aadhar Card Of All The Directors
    Photo Of All The Directors
    Cancel Cheque Of Private Limited
    Electricity Bill Where Private Limited Is      
    Moa & Aoa

For any further queries contact at 7060840732

Saturday, 4 April 2020

secretarial standard 1 and 2 relaxed amidst COVID 19

Secretarial Standards 1 and 2 relaxed amidst COVID 19

Section 118(10) of the Companies Act, 2013 provides for mandatory compliance of SS 1 and SS 2 by all companies.

Due to COVID 19, various provisions of Companies Act, 2013 and rules made there under are relaxed.

Thus for easy of stakeholders, various provisions of secretarial standards 1 and 2 are also relaxed.

The relaxations are voluntary in nature and will be applicable only for the period of relaxation given by MCA.

7 Important relaxations in Secretarial Standards amidst COVID 19

1. Original Provision in Secretarial Standards with regard to participation in meetings through electronic mode

Directors shall not participate through Electronic Mode in discussions on certain restricted items. Such restricted items of business include approval of the annual financial statement, Board’s report, prospectus and matters relating to amalgamation, merger, demerger, acquisition and takeover

Similarly, participation in the discussion through Electronic Mode shall not be allowed in meetings of the Audit Committee for consideration of annual financial statement including consolidated financial statement, if any, to be approved by the Board.

Relaxation by MCA: Through Video Conferencing, restricted business items can be transacted during the period of relaxation by MCA.

2. Original Provision in Secretarial Standards with regard to means of delivery of notice: 

Where a Director specifies a particular means of delivery of Notice, the Notice shall be given to him by such means. However, in case of a Meeting conducted at a shorter Notice, the company may choose an expedient mode of sending Notice.

Physical delivery of documents is not possible due to COVID 19, the company may choose an expedient mode of delivery in sending Notices, including through e-mail to the concerned directors.

Physical mode of delivery of documents, such as notice, agenda and minutes, etc, in the context of the meeting of the board of directors or committee thereof or resolution proposed to be passed by circulation, it shall be adequate and sufficient compliance, if such documents are served through e-mail instead of physical mode of delivery.

3. Original Provision in Secretarial Standards with regard to number and gap between Board Meetings: 

The company shall hold at least four Meetings of its Board in each Calendar Year with a maximum interval of one hundred and twenty days between any two consecutive Meetings.

Relaxation by MCA: maximum interval of 180 days is been relaxed by MCA.

4. Original Provision in Secretarial Standards with regard to committee meetings: 

Committees shall meet as often as necessary subject to the minimum number and frequency prescribed by any law or any authority or as stipulated by the Board.

Relaxation by MCA: As MCA has relaxed maximum gap between two board meetings thus relaxation applies on committee meetings as well.

5. Original Provision in Secretarial Standards with regard to meetings of independent directors: 

Where a company is required to appoint Independent Directors under the Act, such Independent Directors shall meet at least once in a Calendar Year.

MCA has already relaxed the provision in respect of meetings of Independent Directors.

6. Original Provision in Secretarial Standards with regard to matters unsigned: 

Wherever the decision of the Board is based on any unsigned documents including reports or notes or presentations tabled or presented at the Meeting, which were not part of the Notes on Agenda and are referred to in the Minutes, shall be identified by initialing of such documents by the Company Secretary or the Chairman.

As the meetings are conducted through Video Conferencing and the agenda papers are being circulated by e-mails. Any such documents which were not circulated with the agenda but placed at the meeting and referred to in the minutes, should be identified by the company secretary by initialing such documents after the normal situation is restored.

7. Original Provision in Secretarial Standards with regard to signing of Minutes: 

Within fifteen days of signing of the Minutes, a copy of the said signed Minutes, certified by the Company Secretary or where there is no Company Secretary by any Director authorised by the Board, shall be circulated to all the Directors, as on the date of the Meeting and appointed thereafter, except to those Directors who have waived their right to receive the same either in writing or such waiver is recorded in the Minutes.

The copy of the minutes can be signed digitally and circulated to all the directors. In case, minutes cannot be signed digitally, the same can be physically signed and copies of the signed minutes may be circulated to all the directors once normal situation is restored.

Compiled By
CS Ruchi Dawar

Friday, 3 April 2020

Company Registration Online in India

For all your queries on Company Registration Online , One Person Company Registration, Firm Registration in India, LLP Registration Process, Business Registration in India , Private Limited Company Registration Process, Public Limited Company Registration fees and procedure this blog will help you to understand the basiscs, aspects and procedure.

For Any Query Contact 7060840732

In India there are various modes of doing Business. You can start your Business under any Banner depending upon the Infrastructure and Capital you want to employ.

In India, if a single person wants to start his business then he needs to first get his Entity Registration done.

One man Company also known as One Person Company can be one of the method to start his Business.

Sole Proprietorship is also a medium to start one's Business.

Sole Proprietorship Registration can be done either by taking GST or by Registration under Shop Act.

Now Lets understand what are the documents required for registration under any of the following methods;

Types of Business Registration

1. Sole Proprietorship Registration

Method:-Either GST or Shop Act
Number of Persons Required:- 1
Documents:- Pan Card of Proprietor, Aadhar Card of Proprietor
                      Photo of Proprietor
                      Electricity Bill of Premises

2. One Person Company Registration also known as OPC Private Limited

Method:-Registration under Companies Act, 2013
Number of Persons Required:- 1
Plus Nominee Required
Documents:- Pan Card of Proprietor, Aadhar Card of Proprietor, Photo of Proprietor
                      Plus KYC of Nominee Required
                      Electricity Bill of Premises

3. LLP Registration also known as Limited Liability Partnership

Method:-Registration under LLP Act, 2008
Number of Persons Required:- 2
Persons also named as Designated Partners
Documents:- Pan Card of Partners, Aadhar Card of Partners
                      Photo of Partners
                      Electricity Bill of Premises

4. Partnership Firm Registration also known as Firm Registration

Method:-Registration under societies Indian Partnership Act, 1932 
Number of Persons Required:- 2
Persons also named as Partners
Documents:- Pan Card of Partners, Aadhar Card of Partners
                      Photo of Partners
                      Electricity Bill of Premises
                      Partnership Deed to be executed on stamp papers

5. Private Limited Company Registration also known as Company Registration

Method:-Registration under Companies Act, 2013  
Number of Persons Required:- 2
Persons also named as Directors/Shareholders
Documents:- Pan Card of Directors/Shareholders, Aadhar Card 
                      of Directors/Shareholders
                      Photo of Directors/Shareholders
                      Electricity Bill of Premises

6. Public Limited Company Registration also known as Public Company Registration

Method:-Registration under Companies Act, 2013  
Number of Persons Required:- 7
Directors 3, Shareholders 7
Persons also named as Directors/Shareholders
Documents:- Pan Card of Directors/Shareholders, Aadhar Card 
                      of Directors/Shareholders
                      Photo of Directors/Shareholders
                      Electricity Bill of Premises

7. Nidhi Company Registration also known as Nidhi Company Registration meant for Taking RD, FD and Finance Activities

Method:-Registration under Companies Act, 2013  
Number of Persons Required:- 7
Directors 3, Shareholders 7
Persons also named as Directors/Shareholders
Documents:- Pan Card of Directors/Shareholders, Aadhar Card 
                      of Directors/Shareholders
                      Photo of Directors/Shareholders
                      Electricity Bill of Premises

8. Finance Company Registration also known as Finance or Micro Finance Company Registration meant for Finance Activities

Method:-Registration under Companies Act, 2013  
Number of Persons Required:- 2
Persons also named as Directors/Shareholders
Documents:- Pan Card of Directors/Shareholders, Aadhar Card of Directors/Shareholders
                      Photo of Directors/Shareholders
                      Electricity Bill of Premises

Compiled by
CS  Ruchi Dawar

Tuesday, 31 March 2020

Companies Fresh Start Scheme CFSS 2020

Companies Fresh Start Scheme 2020 (CFSS-2020)

For the benefit of all companies, Ministry of Corporate Affairs facilitates, Companies Registered in India, to make a fresh start.

The Companies Fresh Start Scheme 2020 CFSS is meant to facilitate Companies to file their pending compliances, forms and documents including Annual Filings without being subject to payment of additional fees on account of delay.

Only normal fees for filing of documents will be payable at MCA.

10 Important features of Companies Fresh Start Scheme 2020 (CFSS-2020) are;

1.  Tenure of scheme: from 01.04.2020 to 30.09.2020 

2. Applicability Any defaulting company is permitted to file belated  documents which were due for filing on any given date as per scheme.

3. Manner of payment Every defaulting company shall be required to pay normal fees on the date of filing and no additional fees shall be charged.

4. Withdraw of Appeal If the defaulting has filed an appeal against any notice issued by court or adjudicating authority, the applicant shall withdraw the appeal before filing application for immunity under the Companies Fresh Start Scheme 2020 (CFSS-2020).

5. If an order was passed by the adjudicating authority for delay in filings of documents, forms and no appeal is preferred by the defaulting company then

1.  Where the last date of filing the appeal against the order is between 01.03.2020 to 31.05.2020, a period of 120 additional days shall be allowed for filing the appeal before the concerned Regional director.
2.  During such additional period, prosecution for non compliance of the order as much as it relates to filing shall not be initiated against such companies or their officers.

6.  Application for seeking immunity under the Companies Fresh Start Scheme 2020 (CFSS-2020) may be made electronically in Form CFSS-2020 after closure of scheme but not later than 6 months from the closure of scheme. No fees payable on this form.

    7. Inactive companies while filing due documents can simultaneously

1.  Apply for Dormant status under section 455 of the Companies act, 2013 through MSC 1


2.  Apply for striking off through STK 2

   8. At the conclusion of the scheme, designated authority shall take necessary action against the companies who have not availed the scheme and are in default in filing of pending documents.

    9. Non applicability of Immunity

1.  Authorize Capital (Form SH 7) and Charge related documents(CHG 1, CHG 4, CHG 8, CHG 9)

2. This immunity shall not be applicable in case of appeal pending before the court of law

3.  In case of management dispute

4.  In case Court has ordered conviction

5.  Order imposing penalty has been passed and no appeal has been preferred before this scheme came into force.

6.  Companies against which action for final notice u/s 248 has already been initiated

7.  Application for striking off the name of the company has already been filed.

8.  Companies which have amalgamated under a scheme of arrangement

9.  Application already been filed for obtaining dormant status

10.  Vanishing companies

   10. DIR 3 KYC and INC 22A are also covered under the Companies Fresh Start Scheme 2020 (CFSS-2020) thus filing fees of 5000/10000/- not required to be paid during the scheme.  

Further LLP's are also covered under LLP settlement scheme 2020 whereby all LLP's are also given opportunity to file their belated documents without payment of additional fees.


Compiled by

CS Ruchi Dawar